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RGC Schema

RGC files MUST have the following properties.

  • meta
  • chartMeta
  • events

They MUST all be defined as objects.


The order in which any keys appear is not a specification requirement.


The meta field for RGC MUST have the following properties, and they MUST match the below description.


The schema field MUST be a string that matches the following regex:



The regex enforces that schema is in the namespace/name form, where namespace and name are between 3 and 32 characters.

Namespace and name MUST also be alphanumeric characters only. As such, this regex implements that.

Parsers SHOULD reject schema values they do not recognise, but MAY reduce that to a warning.


The schemaVersion field MUST be a positive non-zero integer.

Parsers SHOULD reject schemaVersion values they do not recognise, but MAY reduce that to a warning.


The rgcVersion field MUST be a string that matches the following regex:



The regex enforces that rgcVersion is in a MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH form, where MAJOR, MINOR and PATCH are all 0 or greater.


The title field MUST be either a string or null.


The artist field MUST be either a string or null.


The charter field MUST be either a string or null.


The chartMeta field for RGC MUST be defined as an object.

Parsers SHOULD validate this against the schema's expected values for chartMeta.

If validating against the schema's expected values, parsers MUST reject excess properties.


The events field for RGC MUST be defined as an object.

Parsers SHOULD validate this against the schema's expected values for events.

Parsers MUST NOT ignore event types if validating against the schema.

Validating Schemas

Parsers SHOULD validate RGC files against the schemas they claim to be.


If validating RGC against a schema, Parsers MUST NOT allow excess properties in this field.

Validation MUST involve checking all expected properties, and they all MUST be defined.


If validating RGC against a schema, Parsers MUST NOT allow excess properties in this field.

Validation MUST check all event types. They all MUST be defined as an array of the expected type.

All events MUST extend the Neutral Event - they must have an ms property which is a number.

Neutral Event

The neutral event is the base event that all events must extend from. It is defined as follows.

Property Type Description
ms Number The absolute miliseconds this event occurs at. This can be positive or negative.