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Core Information

If present, and in capitalised bold, words are to be interpreted as declared in RFC2119.

RGC is a subset of JSON As such, all rules of RFC8259 apply.


The implementation details often discuss that properties have types.

This documentation uses the exact following definition of types.


Types are NOT implicitly nullable.


The prefix "Positive" means >= 0.

The prefix "Positive Non-zero" means > 0.

Similarly, "Negative" means <= 0, and "Negative Non-zero" < 0.

The prefix "Optional" means the property is allowed to not exist at all.


Types may be declared as a union of primitives or other types, such as 0 | 1 meaning 0 OR 1.

Similarly, 0 | string (while useless), indicates a union of the value 0 and any string.

If something is nullable, it will be unioned with "null", like String | null.


A String refers to a string.

A Number refers to a decimal/float value.

An Integer refers to a whole positive or negative value.

A Boolean refers to a boolean - true | false.

Null refers to the exact primitive null.


Arrays are to be interpreted as dynamic-length lists. This is identical to terms such as ArrayList in C# or Java.

Arrays of types are declared as Array<T>, where T is the type.

Other Objects

Any other declaration will refer to an object. This may be a hyperlink to the object declaration, or may be included relatively nearby.

Example Declaration

The below tables show an example declaration of a user object with this syntax.

Property Type Description
name String | null The users name.
age Positive Integer The users age.
friends Array<String | Positive Integer> The users friends, this can be a string or a user ID.
permissions Permissions Object The permissions this user has.

Permissions Object

Property Type Description
admin Boolean Whether this user is an admin or not.
moderator Boolean Whether this user is a moderator or not.