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RGC Hashing

RGC describes two methods to hash charts, this ensures that people can cross-identify RGC files.

Sync-Agnostic (Default)

This is the default way to identify RGC files.

This algorithm neutralises constant-offsets in MS, which means that say, file X and file X with all events +15ms produce the same hash.

This fixes an issue which is related to another issue in games like StepMania, where there is no way to constantly offset a file, and people insist that +14ms is the right way to play charts on a cabinet. This results in everyone essentially playing "different" charts.

The algorithm is implemented as follows.

// StableStringify wrote by zkldi
// can be acquired under fast-json-stable-hash
// licensed under MIT, but you cant really license iterating over an object.
function StableStringify(obj) {
    const type = typeof obj;

    if (type === "string") {
        return JSON.stringify(obj);
    } else if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
        let str = "[";

        let al = obj.length - 1;

        for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
            str += StableStringify(obj[i]);

            if (i !== al) {
                str += ",";

        return `${str}]`;
    } else if (type === "object" && obj !== null) {
        let str = "{";
        let keys = Object.keys(obj).sort();

        let kl = keys.length - 1;

        for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
            let key = keys[i];
            str += `${JSON.stringify(key)}:${StableStringify(obj[key])}`;

            if (i !== kl) {
                str += ",";

        return `${str}}`;
    } else if (type === "number" || type === "boolean" || obj === null) {
        // bool, num, null have correct auto-coercions
        return `${obj}`;
    } else {
        throw new TypeError(
            `Invalid JSON type of ${type}, value ${obj}. FJSS can only hash JSON objects.`

// Calculates the Sync-Agnostic Hash for an RGC file.
// **this requires that RGC is sorted according to the Consistent Event Sorting Algorithm.**
function rgcSAH(rgc) {
    let firstEventMS = null;

    // find the first event in this chart
    for (const type in {
        let ev =[type][0];

        if (!ev) {

        if (firstEventMS === null) {
            firstEventMS =;
        else if ( < firstEventMS) {
            firstEventMS =;

    if (firstEventMS === null) {
        // chart has no events? set to 0 anyway.
        firstEventMS = 0;

    // you can rewrite this into a streaming alg if you need to squeeze
    // performance
    let data = "";

    // Make chart sync-agnostic by normalising to first event.
    for (const type in {
        for (const event of[type]) {
   -= firstEventMS;

    // omit the meta field
    let objToHash = {
        chartMeta: rgc.chartMeta,

    // acquire sha256 from where-ever.
    return HashSha256(StableStringify(objToHash));


A more naive way to identify charts is the sync-dependent hash.

An implementation reference can be found below:

// StableStringify taken from above.

function rgcSDH(rgc) {
    // omit the meta field
    let objToHash = {
        chartMeta: rgc.chartMeta,

    // acquire sha256 from where-ever.
    return HashSha256(StableStringify(objToHash));

Testing Implementation

Should you have to port these implementations, test data can be found at (TODO).